"I'm free!" she exclaimed standing outside the Denver city jail, her arms raised to the sky. "Look at the sunshine, the blue sky. Freedom!" These exuberant cries of joy were coming from an innocent-looking, blonde haired, blue-eyed 18 year old girl. Granted, she had only spent 3 days in jail, but the relief in her voice was sincere.
I, on the other hand, had a very different expression on my face. I rolled by eyes at her dramatic expression of freedom. I was irritated that I had to pick her up from jail after she ran from our program. I had previously offered her help and she had rejected it. She had been free and knowingly chose to put herself back in jail. Now, in retrospect, I completely missed it.
I know this young lady's story. I know about her mentally ill father and alcoholic mother. I know the horrific teasing she experienced as a child. I know about her sexual assault, her meth addiction, her broken heart. I know her diagnosis, her desire to be loved and accepted, and how she seeks these things out through sex. But I completely missed it.
She has never been free. In that moment I had the opportunity to listen to the real cry of her heart. I had the opportunity to show genuine love and compassion. I had a moment to share Truth and Hope- hope that there is a Savior who can set her free. But I missed it.
I do not want to miss what is stirring in my own heart. I have opportunities to share truth and hope every single day. The face and the stories may change, but the need for truth and hope greater than this world will never change. The need for the Savior will not change.
And I do not want to miss the obvious reality that I consistently forget that I am free. In reality, I long to be that girl. Sure the story would be different, the scars of life are very different. But I long to feel the deep joy that led to her shout aloud "I'm free." Instead, I am complacent in acknowledging my freedom. It's just another part of every day and life is moving so quickly that I miss the truth. Today I am committed to not taking advantage of my ability to stand daily with my arms raised to the sky proclaiming "I am free!"
"Therefore, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death." Romans 8:1