Sunday, May 22, 2011


Today is one of those days I wish I could box up and put on the shelf so that I could pull it back out on the hard days. It was one of those days where joy was overflowing. It was a day of dreaming big dreams. It was a day of seeing the purpose behind situations. It was a day of remembering my big God.

This weekend I've been going a thousand miles an hour. There has been very little free time and yet everything I've done is exactly what I've needed to do. I'm more energized by the busyness than I ever thought possible. I'm trying to be intentional with my time. It's been a mix of business and people all weekend. And I refuse to believe the lie that I need "me" time.

The thoughts and feelings of the weekend seemed to come together at church this morning, which isn't all that unusual. Providence is a strange place indeed, and God works mightily in that place.
- I asked the congregation for Bibles. First a man came up to me and said he works at a recycling type place and they get a ton of Bibles that they have to destroy. I can have boxes and boxes. My new problem is figuring out how to get all of them to Uganda. Then a woman came up and said her father works for Wycliff and she is confident he can help with Bibles in the local language.
- I got a check for my trip. It is now fully funded. The check was a blessing, but it did so much more in my heart. I've really struggled over the years both asking for money and supporting others. God has used this experience to teach me a TON.
- My intern starts tomorrow. What started out as stress and dread has turned into anticipation.

This feels very disjointed tonight. I'm having a very difficult time putting words to all that is running through my heart and mind. I'm simply overflowing with joy, anticipation, fear, exhaustion.

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