Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Status Updates

Me: Mom, would you freak out if I moved to Africa for a year?
Mom: Not at all but you need to know your dad and I will be visiting and you will need to arrange a wildlife safari for us. I've always wanted to do a safari. This could be my chance.

Sometimes my job is hard, but sometimes it is so freakin' awesome. Today I reconnected a teenager with his dad whom he hasn't had contact with in 17 years.

I never realized just how much of my life facebook took away until the last two weeks. My facebook cleanse was a wonderful idea.

No diet coke= headache.

I'm ready for warm weather because it brings everyone outdoors again. I've seen more of my neighbors in the past week than I have since November.

My boss goes on vacation tomorrow. Yea for him.
My boss goes on vacation tomorrow. Boo for me. When I wake up tomorrow I'll be completely in charge of 16 teenagers and 8 staff. Aughhh!

It's amazing how well a sticker chart works, even for adults. My roommates and I are actually working out because we like to reward ourselves with stickers. Ridiculous, I know.

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